Getting Over Building Bridges

At the Infuse -Open Mic MAY 12 Every SECOND Sundy event in Phoenix, Arizona I read the following. Thank you Lalli for hosting and snapping an image of me with my camera. Sure hope I can share this in Spokane, Washington at the Broken mic where I read my first poem in public.
Bummed that I can’t hem and haw to introduce my latent flaw so here I go with this tale lagin soon be waggin in a wagon pulled by the dragOnIng.A breath of fresh air into my soul by my writing, with my reading, granted by your listening.
Dagu i-Racer Windows Phone 8
Perhaps I should have worn shoes!
DIY Workbench LED lighting

After looking around Homedepot and Lowes a few times I wasn’t satisfied with the price, size or color temperature of any of the lighting solutions I saw. Blam, Pow and Zap! DIY to the rescue.
Friday Night Diversion
All the batteries in my perhaps ten year old four handset cordless phone system are pretty much giving up the ghost. Out the door from CostCo I get a new Panasonic system with another four handsets for about eighty bucks. The technology has come a long way. These are so much easier to read. Plus the system is Bluetooth compatible allowing me to make and answer calls with my cell phone. Sweet!
Inspired by teardowns by nifty nerds such as EEVBlog and Fran Blanche I do my own tear down of one of the handsets – with a band saw!
Pretty dull evening particularly for the band saw blade! r r r r r