Jeffa Poetry

Facebook Boobs

© 2010 Jeff Albrecht

February 6, 2010


I guess I’m just a facebook boob caught up by chests inflated

I clicked a box marked single after entering my birth day

As if by magic forces there a farce did then erupt

The chests of girls depicted in advertisements did grow

I have two brains that you might know, one above and one below

I call this Richard Cranium and Dick the one below.

My life involves the discipline and confusion of their lies

As I strive to understand a balance allowing members to elucidate or grow

as Dick digresses forward growing Richard that more dimmer. I hope to find a facebook boob whose

chest might fit my zipper. Damn it, knock it off Dick. Umm sorry about that…

double entendre and innuendo are a tangent for later intercourse <doh!>

Facebook boobs grew bigger as their tales grew tails so wicked that I felt obliged to dicker

OK I gota get a hold of myself cum on this is serious! Doh! See what I mean about my Richard growing dimmer?

With a paypal nudge down under from Dick Zipper while Richard shuddered Dick believed the proclamation from the statuesque post statutory blonde: “I’m looking for older men”

Now I offer this pledge reviewed in these words telling.

I will not succumb to facebook boobs. I will retain Richard upon my shoulders while allowing Dick his place. I detest the commercial exploitation of the differences of our genders. I enjoy the femininity of a woman’s grace while demand for she and me that we take our place together as equals not apart. Sharing life’s living of daily triumphs and tragedies respecting space while sharing space I hope to find myself in a space in space not spaced with space in place. What I mean to say is that something worth having can not be pursued. But I wouldn’t mind if in this time, without a line I might find something so sublime. Just a prime time for a two of us to become as one in time. Now if it’s not my time for this, I know that I have won some time by writing this and sharing it this time. Thanks for listening.

Back2School Jeffa

Winter Quarter 2010

I’m attending classes at SCC and SFCC again this winter 2010.

I have a second quarter of ceramics. Not that the first quarter wasn’t fun and/or interesting… There was a lot to learn and I’m still learning. This quarter I get to work on some specific projects that I’m interested. When I took my own creations home and actually used some of the cups and bowls it was quite the tail waging experience! WaHoo! This quarter I’m making a 2 sided dog bowl for Sampson. As well as some experimentation with weaving some strips of clay over a hemispherical form.

I’m also taking a photoshop class at SFCC. I was signed up for a distance learning (DL) CIS 112 at SCC but saw a flyer in on the SFCC campus about a photoshop class lecture opening up with open enrolment. I switched over to it as I prefer the classroom experience. So I’ve got two art classes to my one C# programming class at SCC. I had also begun the stagecraft class at SFCC but decided that 1) it was a little rudimentary for me as I have some prior experience, and mostly 2) that it would require a large time commitment. 

The best part of the C# class is that it’s a programming class! I’m really excited about learning. But what’s more is that I’m surrounded by people that share my interests in computers. I’m sure looking forward to checking out the SCC computer club. I’ve already attended the Ruby users club that I saw notice for in class. It was well attended. There was food, a group coding project and folks sharing projects and such that they’ve found on the web.


Lawn, Dog, Hole, Grass – Yike!

Hello there, how ya all?

So I have this dog, named Sampson. IMG_0268 (You can click on any of the images in this post to expand) And a back yard. And I had a roommate many years ago that had a dog, Yukon. Both dogs had several things in common, one of which is digging holes in the yard. My dog doesn’t dig as many as Yukon did. And I’m just getting around to filling the holes and replanting grass. Yes some of the holes are four years old.

So about a week ten days ago I filled in the holes and spread some grass seed. The next day Sampson grabbed the 3/4 full bag of seed and tore it apart in the back yard. Not a very even distribution of the seed. Anyway I rake the seeds around and pick up handfuls of them and spread them into the back yard as best as possible. The yikes!:  IMG_0248

I watch the ground where I planted the seed every day waiting for the cool little miracle of growth. Sampson digs up this one and apparently only hole he’s interested inIMG_0253 where I had planted a lot of seed. It was the third largest patch to be reseeded in the entire land mined back yard. He waits until the little seedlings are just starting to sprout about eight days into the project.   He’s so cute,IMG_0273 how can you stay mad at him? While I’m working on this project to get the hole filled in, and grass planted he wants to play. He’s all happy and such.   He actually does this right in front of me. I had just picked up the camera to get the cute adorable shot when he starts digging the hole up again! IMG_0276Right in front of me! (See yikes! above)

Can you believe it? I mean really? I’m asking you! Can you believe it? This is like less than two minutes after the cute photo!

Alright anyway…. So I fill in the hole AGAIN! pack down the dirt, a lesson I learned from having not done that the first time around. Now I have sunken depressions of grass in several areas. I spread the seed IMG_0282and add some potting soil IMG_0272from this bag that Sampson tore up earlier in the Spring.   Next I cover the hole with chicken wire and stake it down. IMG_0283  Then I put a chaise lounge IMG_0284over it without the cushion to let the sun in.   Hopefully once the grass grows in I can remove the furniture and the chicken wire and maybe, just maybe he’ll let me enjoy the backyard without holes.

Rodaw, – Jeffa